Prairie Space Consulting

Prairie Space Consulting works to improve public services, strengthen civil society, and support healthy communities through program evaluation and organizational support.

Why Prairie Space?

Prairie Space is an idea referenced in William Least Heat-Moon’s book PrairyEarth.  In his book, Heat-Moon documents the prairies from the perspective of history, cartography, story, metaphor and nature.  These strategies develop a story of what land is and how it informs those who live there.  The name of this consultancy is a nod to Heat-Moon’s ideas about how we develop our understandings about the world around us.  Heat-Moon reminds us of the complexity in understanding a place, or an idea, or an organization and the importance of divergent, culturally-centric and innovative approaches and worldviews.  Looking deeply supports good things.

Praire Space Consulting is built on these principles and recognizes the importance of doing good work through thoughtful evaluation and organizational support.