
Prairie Space Consulting has completed projects spanning a broad range of sectors. We have extensive experience and have worked with universities, colleges, not-for-profit organizations, government, religious organizations, community groups, school divisions and educational organizations. We are highly adaptable and welcome the opportunity to take on new challenges. Some organizations that we have worked with are listed below. Please contact us for a comprehensive list of projects and partners.

  • Easter Seals Ontario
  • City of Ottawa
  • World Federation of Hemophilia
  • Epilepsy Ontario
  • Assiniboine Community College
  • Nine Circles Community Health Center
  • Council of Canadians with Disabilities
  • Ontario Brain Injury Association
  • Cree School Board Quebec
  • Manitoba Arts Council
  • University of Manitoba, President’s Office
  • Pinnguaq Association
  • Ontario Brain Institute
  • Manitoba Rural Learning Consortium
  • Number Ten Architectural Group
  • Red River College
  • University of Manitoba, Faculty of Health
  • Wilderness Edge
  • Anokiiwin Training Institute
  • Katinnganiq Makerspace Network
  • University of Winnipeg
  • Mennonite Central Committee
  • Canadian Federal Government
  • Teacher’s Academy of Math And Science
  • Manitoba HIV-STBBI Collective Impact Network
  • United Nations Commission on Education and Development (UNESCO)
  • United Nations, Manitoba Chapter
  • Sabutan Adult Education Authority
  • A Rocha
  • Mennonite Church Canada
  • School Divisions
  • Christian Peacemaker Teams
  • Robertson College
  • Education Canada Group
  • University of Alberta